The Artificial Intelligence Group (GIA) is currently directed by Dr. Yudivián Almeida, it belongs to the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Computational Systems, of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computing of the University of Havana.

This research group has approximately 10 researchers, and the team consists of both by senior researchers, post-doctoral and pre-doctoral researchers. It is a group dynamic and proactive who organize different internal seminars, collaborate with various collaborations with international centers, such as the Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University (France), the University of University of Alicante (Spain) or the University of Montreal (Canada) and currently have several research projects related to the subject of Artificial Intelligence with treatment of heterogeneous data in execution phase.

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The objective of the research group is to investigate topics related to Artificial Intelligence. Within this area of ​​research, 4 fundamental areas are explored:

From this, results have been obtained in exploring the linguistic and computational issues involved in areas such as: